Wireless EarBuds
The Earin are the smallest pair of wireless earbuds created by Olle Lindén. Not only are they amazing in style, design, and technology but most importantly deliver high quality audio sound.The two tiny earbuds function together as one Bluetooth headphone and fit perfectly in your ears. These types of headphones come with no lights, sensors, wires or other attachments so no tangles. They’re almost invisible yet provide a fantastic music experience and are a true companion for a music lover.
Each earbud has several silicone foam tips to choose from so that they can be the right color and best fit for your ear. The company also designed an accessory called, Concha lock which allows for a better grip so the earbud can stay in place during every situation.
The earbuds are stored in a special cover which also works as a charger. With dimensions of 62mm in length and 18mm in diameter, the capsule case is compact and can be carried anywhere even in your pockets.Reference :[1][2]
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