Little Printer: Will print out customization news as well as your requirement.
Now, a days people don't have enough time to read out the whole bunch of 20 to 30 pages news paper. So, as we gravitate towards digital sources for all of our information needs and wants, the humble newspaper has become something of a dinosaur. A company called BREG want to bring back the newspaper, but in a novel new way.
Rather than a mass produced product, BERG's newspapers are small, highly personalized, and printed in the home of each user. Using a cute wireless device called Little Printer, newspapers the size of retail receipts are printed at the intervals set by the user.
Although you can print your personalized paper as often as you like, BREG recommends once or twice per day.
The Little printer is not just another digital-made-physical device that spits out your Twitter feed in paper from. It is much more personal and much more customization. BREG's mobile app allows users to select publication that internet from a growing list.
There is also a pleasing from actor to the Little Printer. It is tiny- about the size of your palm- and has two sweet little feet. It also sorts a head-shaped opening through which the thermal printed paper passes.[source]